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Pokédex - Pokémon Go
Pokédex - Pokémon Go
La liste complète de tout les pokémons présents sur Pokémon Go.
1# Bulbizarre
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2# Herbizarre
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3# Florizarre
0 commentaire
4# Salameche
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5# Reptincel
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6# Dracaufeu
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7# Carapuce
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8# Carabaffe
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9# Tortank
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10# Chenipan
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11# Chrysacier
0 commentaire
12# Papilusion
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13# Aspicot
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14# Coconfort
0 commentaire
15# Dardagnan
0 commentaire
16# Roucool
0 commentaire
17# Roucoups
0 commentaire
18# Roucarnage
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19# Rattata
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20# Rattatac
0 commentaire
21# Piafabec
0 commentaire
22# Rapasdepic
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23# Abo
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24# Arbok
0 commentaire
25# Pikachu
0 commentaire
26# Raichu
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27# Sabelette
0 commentaire
28# Sablaireau
0 commentaire
29# Nidoran F
0 commentaire
30# Nidorina
0 commentaire
31# Nidoqueen
0 commentaire
32# Nidoran M
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33# Nidorino
0 commentaire
34# Nidoking
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35# Melofee
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36# Melodelfe
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37# Goupix
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38# Feunard
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39# Rondoudou
0 commentaire
40# Grodoudou
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41# Nosferapti
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0 commentaire
43# Mystherbe
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44# Ortide
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45# Rafflesia
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46# Paras
0 commentaire
47# Parasect
0 commentaire
48# Mimitoss
0 commentaire
49# Aeromite
0 commentaire
50# Taupiqueur
0 commentaire
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